New Book: The Logic of Incarnation

Some Fors Clavigera readers might be interested in a new book that has just appeared from Wipf & Stock: The Logic of Incarnation: James K.A. Smith’s Critique of Postmodern Religion, edited by Neal DeRoo and Brian Lightbody. This grew out of a conference that engaged my work at Brock University in St. Catherine’s, Ontario. Drawing together philosophers, theologians, campus ministers, and other practitioners, the took takes up various facets of my engagement with postmodernism and religion, including my critique of the “religion without religion” school of Caputo (on the theoretical side) or Pete Rollins (on the practitioner side, so to speak). I contribute a long first chapter (“The Logic of Incarnation: Towards a Catholic Postmodernism”) that sort of provides an overview of this critique of Derrida & Co.’s “logic of determination” and the alternative I describe as the “logic of incarnation.” I also contribute an Afterword that responds to each of the chapters.

The original conference was great fun, and this book was a way to revisit those conversations–as well as an opportunity for me to clarify some issues, respond to some criticisms, and get to say some things I haven’t elsewhere. (It’s also a treat for me to see Neal, my former student, bringing this to fruition. Thanks, Neal!)

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