“Radical Orthodoxy and Political Theology”: Grad Course @ Trinity College

It is an absolute honor and delight for me to have been recently appointed as Visiting Professor in the Faculty of Divinity at Trinity College, University of Toronto (and not just because Trinity is the fabled inspiration for The College of St. John & the Holy Ghost in Robertson Davies’ novel, Rebel Angels!).

My first experience teaching there last summer was delightful: engaging faculty, a wonderful dean (David Neelands), and students from across the Toronto School of Theology–all while nestled in a historic college at the heart of the University of Toronto. The whole experience was a refreshing change from the environs of west Michigan and an opportunity to teach material I cant’ tackle with undergraduates. So I’m very grateful to now have an ongoing relationship.

This will likely mean that I’ll teach a graduate seminar each summer. For 2012, I’ll be offering a course sort of “by request”: “Radical Orthodoxy and Political Theology” (a description and initial syllabus are available via that link). Jeffrey Stout meets Graham Ward meets Saint Augustine. Should be great fun.
This will also be an opportunity to turn to the work I’ll be doing for the third and final volume of my “Cultural Liturgies” trilogy, which will focus on political theology. Spring 2013 is a sabbatical term for me, and I’m just now finalizing plans for where we’ll spend that. Given that it’s currently 4 degrees in Grand Rapids, MI, someplace warm gets a certain priority in planning. Stay tuned.

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