The Other Journal: Print Edition

I’ve long been a friend and fan of the good folks at The Other Journal. For several years now they have been publishing theologically informed cultural commentary, along with art, fiction, and poetry, all with a solid aesthetic sense for design.

However, The Other Journal has always been virtual–until now. In this age of Kindles and iPad apps, The Other Journal gang has taken the ridiculous risk of producing a print edition. And it’s fantastic. I heartily commend it to you: holding The Other Journal in your hands is a whole new experience that seems exactly right. They’ve done a great job with design: sharp, minimalist, with just a hint of a Paris Review feel I think. A Warhol photograph adorns the first cover.
And the content is great, too–though I don’t want to harp on that too much lest it look like self-promotion (not that I’m above that! ;-). This first issue includes my interview with James Davison Hunter, as well as my review of Brett McCracken’s Hipster Christianity (it was fun, I’ll admit, to go back to that). You’ll find essays, interviews, criticism, reviews, fiction, and poetry on themes ranging from artist Jeff Koons to pundit Glenn Beck, the Twilight phenomenon and the meaning of freedom. Great stuff throughout.
Do yourself a favor: skip three days at Starbucks and sign up for a subscription today.

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