The Lonely Commute

Last spring I taught a seminar on “Urban Altruism” that explored the material conditions of community–how aspects of urban planning, architecture, and other social arrangements either foster or detract from community-building (friendships, civic concern, neighbor-love, etc.). Two recent reports confirm much of what we discussed in the class: 1. This past summer the American Sociological…

Do Tax Breaks “Establish” Religion?

[Breaking blog silence here. General craziness has kept me from spending much time on Fors Clavigera. What blogging time/energy I’ve had has gone into The Church and Postmodern Culture blog and Generous Orthodoxy Think Tank.] The New York Times recently published an interesting series of articles on the ways in which religious organizations receive all…

Barack Obama: Another Reason to Leave the Christian Left

First, given what I’ll say in a moment, let me state for the record (again!) that I am no fan, supporter or sympathizer of the Religious Right. To the contrary. But there seems to be no shortage of Christian scholars, pundits, and armchair cultural critics pointing out the inadequacies, inconsistencies, and injustices of the Religious…