Farewell to Generous Orthodoxy’s “Think Tank”

Though signs of its demise have been evident for about a year, I’m sad to say goodbye to one of the better blog experiments I’ve been part of: the Generous Orthodoxy “Think Tank.” Launched by some bright and enterprising graduate students–Steve Bush, Keith Johnson, and Myles Werntz, as I recall–the goal of the blog was…

The End of Death’s Reign? Morning Musings on Coldplay

I’ve been enjoying Coldplay’s latest offering, Viva la Vida or Death and All of his Friends. But the lyrics of “Viva la Vida” have been a thorn in my side, mainly because I just haven’t been able to determine the referent (not that I think there need to be ONE, ULTIMATE referent–indeed, I’m not entirely…

Orwell: On the Invisible Underbelly of our Consumption

I’m currently finishing a book project in which I briefly discuss the way in which the liturgies of consumerism also feed off the invisible–vast networks of production and distribution which are almost entirely hidden from view, and about which we rarely ask. This brought to mind Orwell’s straight-shooting analysis of Western (especially British) culture’s dependence…

Remember Burma

If you are looking for a way to give to cyclone relief in Burma(Myanmar), I would encourage you to consider giving through the Christian Reformed World Relief Committee, which has excellent local contacts in the country and neighboring Thailand. Monies are channeled to trusted local sources who then feed that money into local economies in…