America Supports UK War Against Terror: By Sending the LAPD to London

In 1984, George Orwell carefully describes the way that a state of “permanent war” is employed to solidify a people by getting them committed not just to national defense, but the more elusive “national security.” The former requires a response in the face of hostility; the latter requires a pervasive and exhaustive attempt to eliminate…

It Only Hurts When I Laugh: Why “Harper’s” Won’t Change America

The May issue of Harper’s magazine is, as usual, a feast. But there is a distinct theme running through it: an almost apocalyptic collection of editorials and essays that chronicle the dangers of evangelical Christianity. From Lapham’s characteristic fundamentalism of the left, through Jeff Sharlett’s foray into the exurban world of Ted Haggard’s megachurch, to…

Jim Wallis’ Civil Religion Revisited: A Blog “Interview”

My earlier post on what I described as Jim Wallis’ “Constantinianism of the left” has generated some thoughtful dissent. As a way of clarifying my critique and carrying the conversation further, bloggers Eric and Dale posed a few questions to me for an “interview” of sorts. Eric posted the interview on his blog. I’m mirroring…

Bush Redux: On How Not to Invite the President (or, Those Crazy Nazarenes!)

One of the default responses to President Bush’s presence at Calvin was the passive reply, “Who could say ‘No’ to the President of the United States?” (Part of the fuzziness of the discussion here was the fact that, apparently, the White House has a practice of soliciting invitations. I guess one gets an elbow in…

A Commencement, A Wedding, and an Alternative Politics

As the President of the United States delivered the commencement address at my institutional home, Calvin College, I was celebrating a wedding with a young couple that my wife and I counseled during their engagement. Being on sabbatical excused me from attending, so I chose the wedding over the President’s visit. Because of this, I…